Here are some links to various interesting sites recommended by our readers: specializes in direct mail printing (brought to you by M. Piscopo). Any testimonials on these guys would be greatly appreciated.
The following are from Ben Craig: (for those of you who want to check out the gnarly surf we get in san clemente...) I know all you guys in Europe are jealous lol.
Oh and by the way here is that guy...Mitche Graf website..
and the guy he interviewed that I thought was so cool,
A tip from Olin is to download Apple's free software iTunes, if you haven't already. Go to the iTunes store. Search for 'photography,' and you will find tons of free photo videos and podcasts to download.
Email with any info you think might be valuable. It's greatly appreciated !
I took the photo for Susan Cianciollo during her LA Fashion Week fashion show. Yeahhhh, she doesn't follow the rules. She likes to get a little creative with her shows, and she expected the same of me for her photos.
A tip from Olin is to download Apple's free software iTunes, if you haven't already. Go to the iTunes store. Search for 'photography,' and you will find tons of free photo videos and podcasts to download.
Email with any info you think might be valuable. It's greatly appreciated !
I took the photo for Susan Cianciollo during her LA Fashion Week fashion show. Yeahhhh, she doesn't follow the rules. She likes to get a little creative with her shows, and she expected the same of me for her photos.
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