Sunday, October 21, 2007

Another Seminar ?

Yes, I think I am the seminar guy these days. I went to a weekend-long seminar entitled: The Truth Behind The Secret. By mid-day sunday, my head was about to implode with all the information I was ingesting. There is only so much data that can be crammed in there in one weekend apparently.

If you are one of the few who haven't seen 'The Secret' and are wondering what this might have to do with photography, it's about making your dreams reality. I know I can use help with that. You can watch the first twenty minutes of 'The Secret' on youtube here:

This site is also worth a look:

So here's a few nuggets I picked up from these intensive two days. Nothing new for you guys I'm sure, but good reminders.

My mind is like fertile soil. Whatever I plant in it, it will grow.

Find a mentor, every successful person has one.

Give up blaming, complaining, justifying, defending and excuse-making.

Take responsibility for your life in its entirety.

My beliefs become reality.

Don't focus on what you don't want in your life. Focus on what you do want.

My 'stories' about my past are like software programs running in the background constantly, using up my energy needlessly.

Make each day your masterpiece.

Drink deeply from good books.

Help others.

Some of the speakers were Jack Canfield, author of 'Chicken Soup For The Soul' and 'The Success Principles,' Lisa Nichols ( such a warm, touching woman, and Bill Harris (creator of 'The Secret' website mentioned earlier).